Win / Patent Division of PIIP report
The webinar “IP Protection in Biomedicine Industry–Episode 2” was successfully held online on May 26th, 2022.The webinar offered live streams on EUCJIC’s(EU-China Joint Innovation Center) official WeChat account. About 2,000 audiences in total watched EUCJIC’s live channel and over 13,000“likes”were sent to EUCJIC. Also, local television channels from Hainan Province has recorded the webinar for later news report.
Focusing on “New practices in IP Protection and Regional Opportunities in Biomedicine Industry”, the webinar was hosted by the EUCJIC and co-organized by the China IP SME Helpdesk funded by the European Commission, Hainan Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone Administration and ENRICH in China – SPI- Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação.
Mr. Patrick Nijs, Co-founder of EUCJIC delivered the welcoming speech and the EUCJIChas privileged invited 3 professional guest speakers to share their practical experience of IP protection in Biomedicine industry from different perspectives.
Mr. Matias Zubimendi, IP Business Advisor at the China IP SME Helpdesk, introduced the differences in the pharmaceutical IP protection system between China and Europe through his topic “Challenges and Innovations of European Enterprises Under the Reform of China’s Pharmaceutical IP System”. He also offered specific measures to the European enterprises that intend to enter the Chinese market.
Dr. Wu Li is a Senior Partner of Lifang Law Firm. He introduced current implementation of Patent Linkage System in China with Practical Cases and also analyzed typical problems in implementation of the patent linkage system and its future prospect.
Mr. Peter A. Bootsma is the Senior International Officer of Hainan Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone. He introduced the “Policies of Hainan Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone” and recent achievements of the Pilot Zone. The Pilot Zone is currently offering the most updated preferential policies in China to attract foreign investments in the healthcare industry.
Dr. Wang Jiawei, representing webinar co-organizer ENRICH in China, spoke on the importance of the IP protection to international technology cooperationand the ENRICH’s effort in assisting the innovationbetween China and Europe.
At the end, after the Q&A session , Mr. Joe Huang, Director of EU-China International IPR Center of the EUCJIC, Chief Operating Officer of the PIIP Group, also shared his comments through webinar moderator Ms. Shasha Zhang, Vice-Director of EUCJIC.
In the future, EUCJIC will continue to invite renowned experts to discuss hot topics and share insights in international innovation to strengthen the cooperation between China and Europe.