Website Description
 Professional Website-哈金-2Patent Tutorial The website provides detailed description of the U.S. patent system. It is the first choice to understand the United States patent.
 Professional Website-台灣專利智財部落格-2
Taiwan Patent & Intellectual Property Blog
From time to time to collect Taiwan patents, trademarks and other intellectual property related news.
Patently-O Blog Occasionally introduce the current status and development of U.S. patent litigations and disputes of cases.
enpan’s Patent & Linux practice Collect the owners’ experience and viewpoints in the patent industry.
 Professional Website-PatentCat-1
PatentCat is the abbreviation of Patent Computer Aided Tactics. The website has some free tools for claims label and patent family.
Professional Website-Post Issue-2
Post Issue
An online community, so users can provide specific patent case before, but at this stage the patent is selected by the website.